Event Archive

Mobility for Creativity

The aim of the two-day event organised in Ljubljana is to explore the benefits and challenges of international mobility, including its environmental impact. Relevant guest speakers from Slovenia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, the Netherlands, Croatia, Austria and Slovenia will present established and new opportunities and support systems implemented at the level of the city, region or country, both within and beyond the EU, or for a specific cultural or creative sector.

Free of charge
Moc Dokumentarnega Filma Foto Iztok Dimc2

Power of Documentary Cinema and Human Rights and MEDIA success stories

Motovila Institute (CED Slovenia) organizes a two-day seminar in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk Hungary, Cankarjev dom, Amnesty International Slovenia and with the support of the Balassi Institute. The programme is focusing on production and promotion of Hungarian documentary films with human rights topics. Moreover, head of Creative Europe Desk Hungary will present the experience of Hungarian producers in the MEDIA sub-programme as well as opportunities for Hungarian-Slovene co-productions.

Free of charge

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