After the introductory session highlighting Creative Europe 2014–2020 results presented by CED representatives from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia, successful Creative Europe beneficiaries will share their experiences and good practices, focusing on various aspects of international cooperation within Creative Europe:
How to build a sustainable partnership?
How to establish and develop relationships with audiences?
How are green practices part of project activities?
How to secure co-financing for the international project from other sources?
How to make use of the benefits enabled by the digital shift?
How has COVID challenged international cultural cooperation?
The event will conclude with virtual networking that will offer room for further questions on cross-border cultural cooperation.
Part I: 11:00–11:45
Creative Europe 2014–2020 results presented by Creative Europe Desks from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia with an opening contribution by Walter Zampieri, Head of Culture Unit at the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Contributions by: Elisabeth Pacher (CED AT), Anera Stopfer (CED HR), Gabor Mondik (CED HU) and Mateja Lazar (CED SI). Facilitated by Tanja Kos (CED SI).
Part II: 11:45–12:30
Sharing experiences and good practices in the neighbourhood – panel discussion with guest speakers from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia.
Guests: Liz King, Dance Identity (AT), Edvin Liverić, Croatian Cultural Center – HKD (HR), Barna Petrányi, Pro Progressione (HU) and Andreja Hribernik, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška – KGLU (SI). Moderated by Ines Kežman (CED SI).
Part III: 12:30–13:00
Informal networking session with guest speakers and event participants.

The event will be held in English.
Online REGISTRATION is open until 14 May by 10:00 CET.
Further information: info[at]
Creative Synergy is organized by Motovila Institute (CED SI) in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (CED AT), the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia (CED HR), and Kreatív Európa Nonprofit Kft (CED HU). The organizers reserve the right to change the program.
Creative Synergy is a follow-up on the European Education and Culture Executive Agency’s event “Sharing Practices in COVID times” (6 May 2021).