We have a professional team and a network of partner connections at home and abroad to access and transfer mobility information. Check out the Mobility Funding Guides and find out more about the MIPs. [Photo by Iolo Penri Photography @On the Move Cultural Mobility Forum 2024.]
We provide strategic advice in the development, international collaboration and positioning of film festivals and professionals. We are a reliable partner in the design and implementation of professional accompanying film festival events. In June, find us on Kino Otok – Isola Cinema Festival.
In cooperation with experts, Motovila will design a professional training programme aimed at providing representatives of cultural organisations with practical knowledge and competences in the field of implementing green practices.
For questions, assistance related to the EU Creative Europe programme and help cooperating with organisations in other countries, Creative Europe Desks are in place in every participating country.
Climate change isn’t out there, on the horizon, it’s here now and there’s an urgent need to adapt. How can we contribute to sustainable (co)operation in culture? What can we concretely do in our cultural institutions regarding how we manage our physical spaces and our production and presentation practices?
We help organizations from the cultural and creative sectors to validate their cultural model through training with (international) experts. Follow #BeyondCulturalModel
We host a national information office for the EU Creative Europe programme.
Mobility Info Point (MIP) to support artists & cultural workers.
Sustainable (co)operation in culture and creative sectors.
Capacity building in culture and creative sectors.
We provide consultancy for the cultural creative sectors.
About international cultural cooperation, (EU) funding etc.