About the lecturer:
Bojan Schuch, expert in financial management and strategic development, has more than twenty years of experience in the management of non-governmental organizations, extensive knowledge and an excellent overview of various co-financing programs in the Czech Republic (where he lives and works) in Central Europe, as well as at a broader international level. He focuses particularly on consulting organizations on efficient fundraising strategies and financial stabilization.
Between 1999 and 2011, he managed several human rights’ programmes in Civil Society Development Foundation, mostly in the field of civil and cultural dialogue. Between 2012 and 2018, he was Executive Director of the Institute of Documentary Film, with responsibility for administration and management and running of three well-known international audiovisual initiatives continuously supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA: market access and networking (East Doc Platform), alternative distribution of documentary films (KineDok) and audiovisual trainings (Ex Oriente Film). Mr Schuch provides consulting services in the field of strategic financial development to many civil and cultural organizations in the framework of his company ABBS.
The seminars are part of a professional training series entitled “Beyond the Cultural Model” (BCM), which Motovila has been organizing since 2018 in cooperation with partners and international experts, this time in collaboration with the Centre for Creativity. BCM offers representatives of the Slovenian cultural and creative sectors the opportunity to test and adjust their way of working in order to achieve lasting effects in the future. Check out the full program here.
Further info: ines.kezman[at]motovila.si