Ustvarjalni center Krušče je objavil poziv za nujno umetniško rezidenco za ukrajinske umetnice_ke, ki so morale_i zaradi vojne zapustiti Ukrajino. Na ta način želijo podpreti ukrajinske umetnice_ke, ki bežijo pred vojno, ter jim obenem omogočiti tudi prostor za delo.
Krušče Creative Center is offering residencies for artists who have been displaced due to the war in Ukraine in the period from April 12th to May 24th for one week to six weeks stays for individuals and families. Priority will be given to professionals from the field of performing arts.
The residency covers accommodation and the use of working spaces that include a 70 m2 studio. Accommodation is a private 50 m2 suite appropriate for a family or two artists with children and a big kitchen.
Krušče Creative Center cannot cover travel expenses and living costs of the residents, but can provide assistance in applying for the temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine status and funds. They are open for residency requests in other periods as long as there are available places.
Apply to Send your bio and reasons for application. Selection process will go through Krušče Creative Center board. Priority criteria: performing arts field, families/artists with children.
Further information on Resartis and Krušče Creative Center websites.