REPORT from #Mobility4Creativity: Working across borders – how and why?, an online panel discussion focusing on challenges of international mobility in a pandemic world.

REPORT from #Mobility4Creativity: Working across borders – how and why?, an online panel discussion focusing on challenges of international mobility in a pandemic world.
On 18 November 2020, Motovila (SI) and touring artists (DE) hosted internationally acclaimed experts – visual artist Danilo Milovanović, dance choreographer Rafaële Giovanola (co-director of CocoonDance) and representatives from On the Move, Marie Le Sourd, and Goethe Institute (i-Portunus), Alan Quireyns – to share thoughts, insights, information on mobility opportunities, etc. related to international cooperation in a “new world”. How can artists and cultural professionals be mobile under radically changed circumstances? Why is mobility necessary? Is mobility still a backbone of international cultural cooperation?
Marie Le Sourd stressed that more than ever, there’s an expressed need for international cooperation and mobility. But we are aware that we need to re-think it. As well as policy makers have to! So, remember Alan Quireyns´s words: “We are not the ones who should define funding schemes. Artists and culture and creative sectors are!”
Re-thinking is a process where artists should participate (and are already!) in this lock-down period and should be paid for their contribution. Danilo Milovanović reminded us it is important to give notice to the artists who don`t get the chance to come to the fore. As Rafaële Giovanola pointed out: “We cannot stop our heads! We need to work and be creative. We are re-thinking and trying to find a vison!”
Read FULL report: