#useyourvote @ European elections

On 6-9 June 2024, EU countries will hold elections to select 720 members of the European Parliament for the next five years. Navigating the European elections can be challenging, as they involve 27 separate elections in 27 member states, each with its own procedures and rules.

While there are numerous online guides on how to register for the elections (which we hope you did), selecting your candidate might still seem daunting. To help you make an informed choice, Culture Action Europe has compiled necessary information about the EU elections keeping cultural perspective in focus.

In the European Elections 2024 Culture Voting Pack, CAE have shared a step-by-step guide on how to make your decision, including prepared excerpts from the European political parties’ manifestos focusing on their views on cultural issues.

[Photo: The public artwork created by Pop the Vote Changemakers can be seen at the Brussels Gare du Midi train station and will be on view to the public until the end of June 2024.]

For further information on European elections, see the European elections website https://elections.europa.eu

  • A set of Q&As explaining how European elections actually work in the ‘how to vote’ section.
  • An infographic on national rules, designed to address queries and dispel possible mis/disinformation.
  • The Remind me to votefeature.
  • The together.eu community which connects people both locally and across Europe to meet, share knowledge, learn new skills and  to help spread our message.
#EUElections2024 #useyourvote

This content is not intended to influence your decision to vote, but to encourage you to use your vote and to find out more about the elections and the candidates for the European Parliament.

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