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Integrating a Plan B into Cultural Strategies of European Cities

First online event (22 June 2020) in a series of online discussions on the cultural policies of European cities in the current crisis and beyond has focused on short-term measures and long-term considerations of culture strategies. We have hosted experts and officials from Novi SadLisbon and Ljubljana, sharing their insight into various aspects of the position of culture in urban development during and after the crisis. Ragnar Siil (EE), an international cultural policy expert, has moderated the online discussion.

Guest speakers:
• Mateja Demšič, Head of culture department, City of Ljubljana
• Vuk Radulović, Head of the sector for international cooperation, Foundation Novi Sad 2021
• Alexandra Sabino, Advisor to the Deputy-mayor for Culture, City of Lisbon

The purpose of this series of online discussions titled A Plan B for the Cultural Policies of European Cities is for representatives of various European cities to exchange their experiences in providing support to artists, cultural creators and organizations during the crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Examples of good practices can serve as a model and a stimulus for European cities at a time when cultural entities must find new ways to operate.

The series of online discussions is organized by the City of Ljubljana and the Motovila Institute (CED Slovenia) in cooperation with members of the European network of Creative Europe Desks. Ljubljana is a candidate city for European Capital of Culture 2025.

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