Motovila welcomes the fact that culture has been heard and included in the CoFoE Third Interim Report Platform – November 2021. We are proud that the report mentions the AMPLIFY initiative, and highlights the AMPLIFY meeting organized by Motovila in Murska Sobota in August 2021. Its participants emphasized the importance of international cultural cooperation, in which the support of the local, national and European environment is crucial.
However, CAE points out that while culture has been included in the CoFoE Report on the final outcome – May 2022 (see recommendation 48), the manner of its inclusion has not met with the expectations of cultural stakeholders, and has been, according to recommendations received from across Europe, in fact quite modest. The CoFoE report includes calls to strengthen existing measures in order to support culture at EU level, such as Creative Europe, the New European Bauhaus, and European Capitals of Culture. In addition, it includes requirements for the development of education and lifelong learning in Europe, including STEAM practices (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths), and calls for improvement of the status and working conditions of cultural workers in the EU, especially in future crises.
Further information about AMPLIFY at Motovile and CAE websites.
#AmplifyinAction #Amplify #CulturalDealEU #TheFutureisYours #TogetherEU #EuropeDay22
AMPLIFY – Make the Future of Europe Yours is an initiative for cooperation between communities from 12 European countries that work in the field of culture, social affairs, and education. In the last year, more than 350 participants from Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden organized consultations highlighting the challenges in the cultural sector, shed light on what is often misrepresented about their communities, pinpointed issues that need more attention in Europe, and pondered on the meaning of a »better Europe«.