Motovila promotes sustainable (co)operation in culture and creative sectors
Motovila promotes a structured exchange of information and proven practices, common challenges and opportunities to facilitate the inclusion of the sustainable aspect in the operations of CCS organisations. What are the challenges and good practices?
Show me a former industrial complex and I’ll show you a potential cultural centre
At the “Beyond the Cultural Model” conference (Oct. 16, 2018) the communications expert and cultural model consultant José Rodríguez (SE) shared insights from Trans Europe Halles and Creative Lenses project, offering inspiring case studies.
Mobility is the backbone of international cultural cooperation
The recent conference titled “Mobility for Creativity” organised by Motovila in Ljubljana on 4–5 April 2019, explored the benefits and challenges of international mobility in the cultural and creative sector (CCS), especially putting mobility’s environmental impact to the test. Report prepared by Jana Renée Wilcoxen.