Onkrajhorizontov2017 Sprejemsmeel Fotokatjagoljat Motovila (27)

Workshop “Gender Equality and EU Funding for Culture“ in Bonn

In the second half of 2020, Germany will take over the EU Council Presidency. Within this scope, the Federal German Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM) intends to promote gender equality, focusing on the European cultural and creative sectors.

Therefore CED KULTUR organises the one-day workshop “Gender Equality and EU Funding for Culture”. This is a first step to prepare further activities and actions throughout the presidency in 2020 and beyond. The workshop will bring together cultural actors, cultural policy (decision)-makers, experts and academics and is meant to open up a platform for the exchange of experiences and the initialization of further actions.

(Photo by Katja Goljat: Beyond Horizons Reception at the Old Power Station in Ljubljana, 2017.)


13 November 2019, 9:30–17:30


Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Langer Grabenweg 68, Bonn


City of Women

Mateja Lazar from Motovila is participating in the worksohp.
Along her, Teja Reba from City of Women will share experience in cooperating within the Creative Europe programme.

(Mateja Lazar, Motovila, and Teja Reba, City of Women)


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