Mobility for Creativity Forum

Event date 12/09/2023 • 09:00  −  12/09/2023 • 15:00
Entry FeeFree of charge

In cooperation with partners, Motovila is organizing an international forum entitled Mobility for Creativity, which will take place in Ljubljana, on 12 September 2023. The forum will discuss sustainable and inclusive (international) mobility in culture.

The event will bring together national and international speakers to discuss strategies, approaches and good practices at policy level as well as in the cultural and creative sectors, including film industry. We will host representatives from the On the Move (BE), touring artists (DE), Culture Action Europe (BE), Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (BE), IPOP – Institute for Spatial Policies (SI), CMEPIUS (SI), CED Hungary (HU), Pro Progressione (HU), Norrlandsoperan (SE), MGLC – International Centre of Graphic Arts (SI) etc.

Culture plays a key role in going green in terms of raising awareness, learning, communication, exchange of knowledge, and good practices. Cultural and creative sectors can promote green thinking with their content, operation, and implementation of (European) projects.

In English. Free admission.


Tuesday, 12 September, 9:00–15:00 CET


Alma Karlin Hall - Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana



Mobility is an important element of professional artistic activities and careers. It is therefore essential to consider our impact on the planet’s resources, the environment, and the climate (air quality, noise pollution, the use of fossil fuels, water, land, etc.). Because the circumstances require a systemic and intersectoral approach to climate change, there are a growing number of calls for green mobility. The costs associated with green mobility, however, are a burden for representatives of the cultural and creative sectors, as not all of them have the same access to infrastructure, financial incentives, or information. So how can we promote sustainable and responsible mobility without stigmatizing, discriminating, or excluding participants from remote, marginal, and infrastructurally weaker environments? How can we adapt our methods of mobility, and our reasons for it? How can the cultural sector be resilient and adaptable, and how can it contribute to mitigating climate change?

Mobility4Creativity Forum

After a keynote by Tim Wagendorp (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds), an internationally renowned expert on sustainable practices in the cultural and creative sectors, two panel discussions will follow. At the first, policy-oriented (“top-down”) session, the panellists will exchange strategies, approaches and practices to be applied in future policies at local and national level. The second panel is sector-oriented (“bottom-up”), focusing on sustainable and green initiatives and practices that can serve as inspiration in cultural and creative sectors. We will host representatives of leading European and national institutions that think about, promote and put into practice the necessary changes, including On the Move (Helena de Winter), touring artists (Christine Heemsoth in Sebastian Hoffman), Culture Action Europe (Gabriele Rosana), IPOP – Institute for Spatial Policies (dr. Aidan Cerar), CMEPIUS (Tina Kenk), CED Hungary (Mondik Gábor), Pro Progressione (Júlia Mihályfy), Norrlandsoperan (Birgit Berndt), MGLC – International Centre of Graphic Arts (Dušan Dovč) etc.

The programme also includes a presentation of MIPMobility Information Points, which aim to address the administrative challenges that artists and cultural workers face when working across borders. The Forum will focus in particular on mobility to/from Germany with guest speakers from touring artists that is a joint project of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany, the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK, International Association of Art), and the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German Dance Association), supported by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.


9.00-9.30: Registration with welcome coffee
9.30-9.45: Opening speech by Mateja Lazar, Motovila and Sonja Kralj, Ministry of Culture (SI)
9.45-10.20: Keynote by Tim Wagendorp, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (BE)
10.20-11.30: Panel 1 with Gabriele Rosana (BE), Aidan Cerar (SI), Tina Kenk (SI), and moderated by Helena de Winter (BE)
11.30-12.30: Lunch break
12.30-13.30: Panel 2 with Júlia Mihályfy (HU), Birgit Berndt (SE), Dušan Dovč (SI) and moderated by Mondik Gábor (HU)
13.30-13.50: Takeaway by Jana Wilcoxen
13.50-14.30: What is MIP – Mobility Information Points? by touring artists (DE)

Further information: info[at]
In English. Free admission.

Motovila is organizing the event in cooperation with Cankarjev dom, touring artists, On the Move, Creative Europe Desk Hungary, and other partners. The Mobility for Creativity forum is co-financed by the European Union. The organizer reserves the right to change the programme.

Guest speakers

Tim Wagendorp: Having an environmental background, I feel somehow atypical in the audio-visual sector.” After working as an environmental scientist and policy expert for a federation of reuse companies, Tim Wagendorp has been the sustainability coordinator at the VAF since March 2017. “My main focus is on VAF-supported film and media productions, but I also raise awareness at other VAF-related areas like at physical cinemas, during the screenwriting process, games, animation and in education. We use the Sustainable Development Goals as a moral compass for our work. We exchange our knowledge as much as possible and play an active role within Green Screen (and EURECA), Cineregio and EFAD.

Helena De WinterHelena de Winter is a strong advocate for international cultural cooperation who supports cultural organisations in their international development strategies and European projects. In 2021, Helena co-founded Chapeau ! Culture Consulting, an organisation that supports cultural structures in their international development. She has since worked with numerous organisations from the music and performing arts sector. She currently coordinates the project « MIP-Amplify » run by On the Move with partners Touring Artists (DE) and Motovila (SI). Helena De Winter regularly facilitates workshops and moderates conferences on international development in the cultural sector.
Helena started her professional career as orchestral manager for the European Union Baroque Orchestra and went on to coordinate the European Early Music Network, a European network funded by the European Commission – which she did for 10 years. Based in France, but having lived in Germany, the UK and Finland, Helena is fluent in French, German and English. Helena teaches European projects for Master students at the Universities of Paris-Saclay and Montpellier. She is a member of the committee of experts of the regional delegation of the Ministry of Culture (DRAC).

Gabrielerosana 2019Gabriele Rosana is the Policy Director of Culture Action Europe (CAE), the major European cross-sectoral cultural network, bringing together cultural networks, organisations, activists, policy-makers and academics. Before joining CAE he worked for the Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament, and rapporteur for Creative Europe and for various Italian and European think-tanks specialised on EU Affairs, extensively following the EU policy-making in the fields of culture, education, media, and digital. He holds an LL.M. in EU Law from the College of Europe in Bruges and is a freelance journalist covering EU and foreign affairs for various media outlets.

Aidan Cerar, PhD, is a sociologist trained at the University of Ljubljana and Leuphana University of Lüneburg. At IPoP he has mainly been involved in projects dealing with urban regeneration, civic participation, and community involvement in planning and mobility. He regularly gives lectures at Slovenian and foreign universities and regularly speaks at national and international conferences. He is an author of several articles dealing with urban development. During the drafting of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the City of Ljubljana, Aidan led the participation process. He is also a founding member of Library of Things, a social innovation service established in Ljubljana and a member of Maja Farol, a well-established group of architects. Before his position at IPoP, he had been working at the Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region.

Tina Korporativna Slika (2)Tina Kenk has been working at the Centre for Mobility and European Education and Training Programmes – CMEPIUS for 16 years. She has experience in the implementation of various international projects and programmes (Europe for Citizens, Lifelong Learning, Erasmus), where she is responsible for technical and content support. She is currently responsible for Erasmus+ Sport, event organisation, validation of OID codes, translation and technical support for evaluators. She is also in charge of the Erasmus+ Green contact point at CMEPIUS. In the current programming period, the Erasmus+ programme places a strong emphasis on the implementation of environmentally friendly practices and sustainable development issues – #GreenErasmusplus. To this end, the programme helps to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes towards climate change and sustainable development and supports integrated institutional approaches to education for environmental sustainability.

Mondik Gabor Kreativ Europa Portre Web 9121Gábor Mondik worked from September 2008 in the Cultural Contact Point of Hungary. From 2014 he has been working in the Creative Europe Desk of Hungary, national contact point for the European Union’s Creative Europe Programme, and from September 2015 he is Deputy Managing Director and Head of Culture Subprogramme. Gabor received the ‘Hungarians for Europe’ Award on the Europe Day organised by the European Commission Representation in Budapest. The award is given to people who have a long and outstanding record of promoting the European Union and its core values.

Julia Mihalyfy PpJúlia Mihályfy is currently working as a project manager for European Union projects at Pro Progressione. Their approach emphasizes the seamless integration of sustainability within their projects. Júlia earned her degree in Economics and Marketing from Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and completed her postgraduate studies in Cultural Management at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. With over a decade of experience in the field of culture, communication, and international relations, as she worked for the Cervantes Institute in Budapest and the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest among others, and has also has a strong background in business as she worked for small and multinational companies likewise.

Birgit BerndtBirgit Berndt is artistic Director for Dance at Norrlandsoperan since 2014 and responsible for the artistic program and international collaborations in Umea/ Sweden. She aims to empower especially performance artists based in the Nordic countries and internationally in long-term collaborations including residencies, mentoring and production support. Queer performing arts have been an active focus since 10 years. As curator, dramaturg and producer Birgit Berndt has 20 years of experience from the performing arts field working with festivals, venues, dance organizations, choreographers and in Germany and Sweden.

Dušan Dovč is curator at the International Centre for Graphic Arts in Ljubljana (MGLC) and responsible for coordinating MGLC Švicarija, a creative and residential centre. Currently, he is engaged in the Creative Europe supported project Sustainability is in the AiR (SAiR) aimed at developing a model of sustainable management of residential centres to foster sustainable artistic practices and enhance career opportunities for artists. Since 1997, Dušan has been active on the Slovenian NGO scene: he worked at Emzin, Institute for Creative Production and Arts Magazine, and from 2004 at SCCA, Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana. In 2019 he moved to the public cultural sector, first to the Institute for Tourism, Sports and Culture in Kamnik to coordinate the Stimulart project supported by Interreg Central Europe programme. The Stimulart partner cities have been focusing on reactivating the creative potential of cultural heritage and vacant urban infrastructure. He is engaged in cultural policy by connecting the public cultural sector, non-governmental cultural institutions and self-employed cultural workers.

Jana Wilcoxen 150x150Jana Wilcoxen has been working in various capacities, contexts and countries in the field of culture for over thirty years. Since moving to Ljubljana from Seattle in 2000, she has been involved in numerous European cooperation projects for different Slovenian public institutions and NGOs, especially in the process of their development and design. As a regular collaborator of Motovila, she brings an outside eye that is capable of zooming in on the details as well as taking in and reflecting on the big picture.

Ta Logotouring artists: As the German Mobility Information Point (MIP), the project ‘touring artists’ offers information and advice for artists and culture professionals in an international context (to/from Germany). Through an online portal ( and a free consultation service, the project deals with the administrative aspects of cross-border mobility, such as visas, taxes, social security, insurance, and customs. touring artists is a joint project of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany, the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK, International Association of Art), and the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German Dance Association), supported by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Mobility4Creativity Forum venue

Mobility4Creativity Forum

Cankarjev dom, Cankarjev dom, Prešernova cesta, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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