Creativity for Sustainability Forum recording available

Motovila in cooperation with partners organised the international Forum “Creativity for Sustainabilitythat took place in Ljubljana on 28 September 2022. The forum discussed eco guidelines and good practices for (more) sustainable international (co)operation and mobility in culture. Video recording is already available on our YouTube channel.

The event brought together national and international speakers to discuss strategies, approaches and good practices at policy level as well as in the cultural and creative sectors, including film industry. We hosted representatives of leading European and national institutions that think about, promote and put into practice the necessary changes, including Creative Carbon Scotland (Ben Twist), On the Move (Yohann Floch), International Screen Institute (Katja Schwarz), Projekt Atol (Uroš Veber), Prostorož (Zala Velkavrh), Wytwórnia Foundation (Karolina Juzwa), ECOC Esch 2022 (Matthieu Gillieron), European Commission (Malgorzata Szlendak), Ecologists Without Borders (Katja Sreš and Ana Golja), University of Coimbra (Vânia Rodrigues) etc.

The Forum report will be published soon.

Photo by Matjaž Rušt for Motovila. Creativity for Sustainability Forum, September 2022.

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