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Motovila promotes green practices as Go Green Cinema project partner

Motovila strives to encourage changes in the practices of cultural operators so they can include green aspects both in the design and implementation of their activities and in their daily work.

In cooperation with experts, we have designed a professional training programme with the aim of providing representatives of cultural organisations with practical knowledge and competences in the field of implementing green practices.

The introductory workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 7th, in Gorizia (IT). In collaboration with Umanotera, the Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development, and IPoP – Institute for spatial policies, we will focus on sustainable mobility planning and green office practices.

Participants will obtain basic knowledge and tools to easily start planning and implementing greener practices in their organizations’ daily operations and the organization of cultural events in the local environment. We will talk about measures to reduce the organization’s environmental and carbon footprint and how to develop a mobility plan and introduce changes in the travel habits of employees and visitors.

By the end of 2025, three more workshops will follow with national and international experts.

In parallel, we will monitor the implementation of activities of the mobile cinema Go Green Cinema (GGC), through which our partner Kinoatelje will bring quality film programs to more remote areas of the cross-border Slovenian-Italian area. The monitoring aims to promote the introduction of sustainable measures in practice and analyse their environmental impacts, which will serve as a basis for the development of a manual for green implementation of cultural events. The activities will be concluded at a conference in the fall of 2025 in Gorizia (IT) within the cross-border film festival Poklon viziji.

The GGC project addresses a broader cross-border and local audience, as well as visitors to the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025.

The Go Green Cinema project – GGC is funded by the European Union through the Small Projects Fund of the GO! 2025 Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 program, managed by EGTC GO.

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